Rashi Jain

Head - Human Resources, JLL Business Services, India

Who is a female inspiration/role model to you and why?

There is not one but several women who have touched my life at different points in time and helped me become a better version of myself.

My elder sister Shweta taught me her rules of life to be the best in whatever you do. Her ability to manage the most complex situation with utmost simplicity and patience is what I admire the most. My best friend Amrita pushed me to enjoy life to the fullest and express myself freely without worrying about what others may think. And Subhalakshmi D, my former boss, guided me to aim for nothing less than excellence in everything I do. Today, I look back and thank each of them and many other women who support each other and change the world within and around them.

Why does inclusion matter to you?

Diversity means being invited to a party, and inclusion means being asked to dance.

Inclusion really matters to me as it instils a great work culture. Inclusive organisations encourage views of everyone and are more agile. It gives employees a sense of belonging. Also, the problem-solving ability of more inclusive teams is much higher than non-inclusive teams.

How are you inspiring women to achieve their ambitions at JLL?

I believe this is culture driven. All colleagues (men and women both) must be provided with an environment where they are able to perform to the best of their abilities. I try to ensure that my team does not have conscious or unconscious bias. Sometimes I share my own story with my female colleagues to encourage them. I motivate them to focus on their goals and encourage them to achieve those.

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