Nellie Samuel

Group Account Director - Work Dynamics, West India

Who is a female inspiration/role model to you and why?

There are so many women I draw inspiration from. I cannot limit this answer to any particular woman role model. I'm inspired by all the women, who have surrounded me over the years -- whether that was my mother, watching her raise twelve children or my daughter who encourages me to be the best version of myself. I am constantly learning from the women I work with or from my friends who are strong, bold and independent women. And of course, the women who've made a mark for themselves on a global scale - Mother Teresa and Lady Diana might be on the top of that list. But I am most inspired by women I engage with daily -- watching them live their lives with courage and compassion.

Why does inclusion matter to you?

Everyone should have a seat at the table. For many, access to these opportunities is hard to come by. Had I not been given these opportunities somewhere along the line, I may not have reached this point. My personal experiences, especially my upbringing, influence my firm belief in the importance of inclusion. Not only it’s imperative that we are equitable in the resources and opportunities we provide, but also it’s of utmost value to share our space with people from diverse thinking, background and identity. I believe it’s vital, so we maintain an open mind, stay engaged and keep learning.

How are you inspiring women to achieve their ambitions at JLL?

I try to be a good mentor to the women on my team. I'm always making an effort to better myself while also creating space and growth opportunities for those around me. I'm surrounded by extremely talented and capable women, so it’s not very challenging. I hope to foster an environment of mutual respect and an understanding of shared experiences we have as women in business. I will make a greater effort to harness our collective learnings to prepare ourselves better to achieve our ambitions.

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