Lathika Annie Eapen

Head - HR Business Services, West Asia

Who is a female inspiration/role model to you and why?

I have been blessed with the privilege of having several female role models as a consistent pillar of strength for me, driving me to go on, no matter what challenges lay ahead, professionally or personally. From my big-hearted grandmother, who was gifted with the ability to see the inherent goodness in people and accept them for who they are, to my mother, who inspired me to propel through life with her exemplary perseverance, focus, determination and multi-tasking capabilities, to my sister for her meticulous planning and sensitivity – they all inspired me in some way or the other. 

Why does inclusion matter to you?

Given our diverse backgrounds, cultural insights and unique personal qualities, each of us has the capability to bring something different yet vital to the table and add exceptional value to the end result. Which is why, every voice must be heard and appreciated. At JLL, we follow a culture of inclusion to grow as an organisation while instilling in us a sense of belonging, pride, respect, and self-worth. 

How are you inspiring women to achieve their ambitions at JLL?

There are many definitions of leadership. My emphasis has been that it is not being on the top that matters but standing beside my colleagues and taking everyone along on the journey to the top is real leadership. Therefore, I allow them to experience success for themselves, watch out for them when they go through difficult times, and try to create a safe environment where all women know that they are valued and appreciated, no matter what the odds.

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