Alokananda Dasbasu

Director - Solution & Proposal Management, India

Who is a female inspiration/role model to you and why?

In the gender agnostic world that we are trying to build, my role model isn’t defined by whether that person is a Man, a Woman, or a Transgender. All those who fight against all odds, become successful, yet remain graceful about that success inspire me. However, those close to me inspire me even more because they are an important element of my life story.

My earliest role model was my mother. Forty years ago, being a single parent in India wasn’t easy, but she successfully built her financial independence out of a teaching career. Today she plays a significant role working closely with the Government of India’s Ministry of Human Resources Department and several other Educational Boards and Committees. For me, she is the strongest woman I know of.

Why does inclusion matter to you?

There is so much stereotyping that we witness in our everyday life that we lose sight of what’s really important. While major achievements on inclusion are essential, those minor ones we accomplish at home and work become more meaningful. These small daily incidents instil in people the real sense of belongingness and make them feel wanted, eventually uplifting their morale and benefiting the organisation at large.

For me, the range of inclusion is wide – be it a super successful woman leading JLL in India or Prithika Yashini – the first Transgender to be inducted into Indian Police. Even my husband helping me lay down the dinner table after we both are back after a long day at our work is inclusion for me.

How are you inspiring women to achieve their ambitions at JLL?

You need someone who can propel you forward rather than pulling you down. And I was very fortunate in that respect. I don’t miss any opportunity to tell women that confidence is the key. Stand up for what you believe in, and don’t shy away from giving your opinion. People might agree or disagree with you, but that is how you learn and evolve.

You are driven by your heart, by your talent and by your instinct. So if you keep looking at people around and continue comparing notes, you will lose sight of your goal. “Be yourself, girl, have your style of work, one that has your very own stamp. And most importantly, have fun at work.”

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